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Warning about counterfeit products of our products

Thank you for your continued use of our products.

In recent years, it has been reported that many counterfeit products of our products have been found in many places around the world, especially in the East Asia region. These counterfeit products are being handled by companies that are not our sales representatives or authorized distributors, or through Internet trading sites in which we are not involved.
These counterfeit products do not meet our quality standards and may cause malfunctions in your equipment or lead to serious safety issues.

We will take decisive action, including legal action, to eliminate counterfeit products, but we cannot be held responsible for any problems or accidents caused by the use of counterfeit products.
Therefore, please be sure to make your purchase through our sales representatives or authorized distributors.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

The following may be counterfeit products.
  • Some counterfeit products include a copy of the safety precautions and instruction manual of our authorized products. If your product was not purchased from an authorized distributor, please check with the seller.
  • We do not sell our products on Internet commerce sites from non-authorized distributors. When purchasing our products on the Internet, please confirm that the distributor is an authorized distributor of our products.
  • There are cases where our products are sold at extremely low prices. Please confirm that the seller is our authorized distributor when you purchase the product on the Internet.
  • Products with our old logo (“Y” mark) may be counterfeit products, and the old logo (“Y” mark in the lower left of the image below) is not used on the official products manufactured after 2018.

Handling of counterfeit products when they are found
We will not judge the authenticity of counterfeit products, warrant them, or replace them with genuine products. Please understand this in advance.

Models for which counterfeit products have been found
・PSKU series
・PSMO series
Examples of the appearance of the genuine products above are as follows. ( Photo left: PSKU series, Photo right: PSMO series )